Animated series can be a powerful tool for businesses to engage their audience and promote their products or services. Whiteboard animation, in and of itself, offers significant benefits and has been statistically proven to increase viewers’ knowledge, confidence and motivation to act.

But compared to a single video, an animated series offers versatility in targeting different audiences, exploring multiple topics, and providing a comprehensive view of the offerings. It also allows for sharing real-life use cases, promoting different aspects of the product or service, and fostering long-term engagement with the audience.

While creating an animated series requires more investment in time and resources, its long-term benefits can outweigh the upfront costs. If you’re considering creating an animated series for your business, it’s essential to carefully consider your objectives and resources to make the most of this creative and effective medium. In today’s blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of producing an animated series for your business, compared to producing a single video.

Go Deep into Your Subject Matter

A single video typically focuses on a specific topic or unique selling proposition. An animated series, on the other hand, lets you explore different aspects of your product or service, real-life use cases, or educational concepts, providing a more comprehensive view of your offerings. This versatility helps you cater to different audience segments and better address their needs.

In the series below, produced for the Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network, we parcelled out their rich content into four short videos. The first debunks important myths around deprescribing, while the others focus on specific classes of medications.

Showcase different aspects of your product

Creating an animated series about your product or service allows you to promote different feature sets in a fun, engaging, and digestible format. Each episode can focus on a specific aspect, ensuring your audience understands the full scope of your offerings. It’s an excellent way to demonstrate how your product stands out from the competition.

In this series, produced for Breton Smartek, we first present an overview of the software’s core functionality, before detailing two of its special features, in subsequent videos.

Share Real-Life Use Cases

By sharing different use cases through an animated series, you can demonstrate how your product or service adds value to various scenarios. This not only educates potential customers but also helps them envision how they can benefit from your product in their everyday lives. The power of storytelling combined with captivating visuals creates an emotional connection that resonates with your audience.

In our second series for Breton Smartek, we focus on their CareQ software for long-term care providers, and its multiple uses.

Communicate with people who are at different stages of awareness

In contrast to a single video’s cohesive messaging, an animated series offers flexibility in targeting different audiences at various stages of awareness. This tailored approach lets you provide the right information at the right time, ensuring that your content resonates with each group and ultimately drives action.

We produced this series (more videos to come!) of medical animated videos for a group of healthcare professionals who are intent on persuading their community to use apoB lipoprotein to measure their patients’ cardiovascular risk. We first needed to lay the foundation and make a very strong case for apoB. Then, for healthcare professionals who are already convinced, the second healthcare animation gets into the specifics of how to incorporate apoB into clinical care.

Engage continuously

While a single video can make a strong one-time impact, an animated series promotes continuous engagement with your audience. By releasing multiple episodes, you keep your organization top-of-mind and foster long-term relationships. This ongoing connection proves especially valuable in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

Consistently sharing engaging content on social media can be the perfect way to create frequent touchpoints on social platforms to foster community engagement and drive organic growth.

For our own experiment with vertical animations for social media, we expanded on one of our short videos and turned it into a 13-part series on how to explain complicated things in a simple and effective way, which we shared on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Pinterest, generating close to 5,000 views over the span of a month.

Invest in long-term benefits

Compared to producing a single video, creating an animated series requires a more significant investment in time and resources. However, the long-term benefits of an animated series can outweigh the upfront investment, as it helps you maintain ongoing engagement, explore multiple topics, and cater to diverse audiences. A single video, while more budget-friendly, may have a more limited impact on your overall communication efforts.

Over to you

In conclusion, producing an animated series offers unique advantages that can help you better engage your audience, promote your product or service, and move people to act. If you’re considering producing an animated series for your business, now is the time to take the plunge and explore the endless possibilities! Contact Exaltus if you need a hand, and be sure to check out more of the whiteboard animation examples in our portfolio.